Disabled & Cool

I’ll Pray For You by Hannah Setzer (She wrote a book ppl!)

This is a collection of essays that everyone should read from any walk of life – and it hit home for me on SO many levels as I finished it this morning.

“The world loves to label people with disabilities and medical conditions as inspirational. …Simply existing as a person in a world and society that doesn’t understand me and doesn’t accept me isn’t inspirational. I think we’ve twisted the meaning of inspirational. It has become something that drips of pity and sadness, and sometimes relief that our lives aren’t as sad as others.” -Hannah Setzer

There are a few key disabled thought leaders and influencers who have helped shape how I parent Sloan today: and Hannah is top of that list. She epitomizes fully living life, rebellion, thoughtfulness, and leading with intention. As I’ve watched and listened as she openly shares her life experience, I’ve learned so much about how to allow Sloan space to just be Sloan: no need for all that performative sPeCiAl NeEdS kid shit on top of it all. Sloan deserves to swim, party, laugh, and experience joy, sadness, anger, whatev just like anyone else. Thank you, Hannah.

With that said, this book highlights everything I love about Hannah and the way she shows up in life and for the world around her. Hannah starts off by inviting everyone to reclaim some shit with her – very much on-brand and on-vibe.

Then Hannah discusses other topics that I loved: things like focusing on intentional movement instead of the rise and grind culture version of “WORKING OUT!” Intentional movement is so much more inclusive and joyful. And sometimes working out can be such a bore-chore.

Plus that chapter about how the moon is round? It was beautiful. You need to read it and it got me in the feels.

Anyway – is this a love letter to Hannah or a recommendation to read her book? IT’S BOTH, TBH.

So go read my kick-ass friend’s book, because it is truly a book everyone needs in their home library.

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